News about Nathan and Heather Straz

Monday, 28 March, 2005
Better looking Coreblogs
by nate

I ran across an example of a good looking Coreblog today while searching for updates to the image management patches to Coreblog. I can see that other people like Coreblog a lot and are actively hacking on it. Unfortnately I haven't been able to find patches posted anywhere. I see that a bug was filed and resolved to add some nice image management, but I don't have that capability in Coreblog 1.11. Perhaps some of these developers could send me some patches.


erral said on Apr 5 at 03:48 a.m.:

You can subscribe to Coreblog-en mailing list and share with us your questions and requests.

(I found your blog following your trackback to Luistxo's post.)