News about Nathan and Heather Straz

Thursday, 16 March, 2006
29 Stitches & 27 Staples
by heather

Today I got my staples and stitches taken out. There were 29 stitches and 27 staples in the 10.5 inch incision. The Doc says my incision looks good. I've been feeling a bit better every day. My range of motion is already better than I thought it would be. Every morning I wake up very sore and stiff, but after being up for an hour or so, I feel pretty good. By mid-afternoon I'm sore and uncomfortable again and that lasts through the evening. I've been sleeping well though, so I think that's helping. If you are interested in seeing a picture of my incision with the staples and stitches, click here.


Starcia Doyon said on Mar 17 at 03:37 p.m.:

Hi Heather
I am glad to hear that you are feeling better and that the surgery went well. I am also glad that you had a safe and uneventfull journey home. That is quite the incision it looks very painful. Hope you continue to have a quick recovery. I love you!! -Starcia