News about Nathan and Heather Straz

Tuesday, 21 August, 2007
What lovely neighbors
by nate

Last night we found a few stray cats on our doorstep. We got curious because we hadn't seen them before so we looked around and found them hiding under the pine trees behind our townhouse. Heather called animal control to see what to do about them, but they said they don't pick up stray cats. After a little more investigation, in the dark with a flashlight, we found a house and litter box someone hid in the trees.

Tonight we went to look at it again while it was still light out. We found the three cats in the trees again. While we were looking at them, a neighbor came out on her deck and started yelling at us. We asked about the cats and she did not want to be civil. She was swearing at the top of her lungs for us to go or she would call the cops. We let her. The yards are all common property in our development and there's no reason we couldn't be there.

I can't say I'm going to miss this neighborhood. I've said it before. It's just a bunch of houses.


andy said on Aug 22 at 10:46 a.m.:

Crazy cat lady from The Simpsons, anyone?

That is really bizarre.

Just for fun, do it again (take a video of it) and report her to the HOA or maybe the police for making threats or causing a disturbance in the neighborhood when she does that. Or maybe even when she threatens to call the cops, pull out your cellphone and tell her "here, I'll do it for you!" with a grin.

I can't think of any valid reason for her to act that way.

x said on Aug 22 at 02:30 p.m.:

You all are obviously very ignorant people with out a life. It is not against the law to tell someone to get out of your backyard, regardless of it being common grounds. Yeah you should call the HOA, christ you dont have anything else to do. Certainly make a video LOL geez people where are you from? Nevermind, could care less. The neighborhood wont miss you hurry up and sell that home. I would suggest you read a law book or two while your not working then maybe you know what the LAW's are!!!!

nate said on Aug 22 at 08:53 p.m.:

Hey cool. You found our blog. I never said it was illegal. I just said it wasn't very neighborly. You couldn't say in a friendly tone, "What are you looking at? Yes, I'm taking care of the cats and I would appreciate it if you would leave them alone." Instead you decided to swear and call the cops. Where are you from? You certainly don't have any "Minnesota Nice" in you.

BTW, I can see every page you look at on our blog. I know how you found it. I know that you spent 20 minutes reading the blog before you posted and I know you came back around 6:20 to read our blog again.

True neighbor said on Aug 22 at 11:50 p.m.:

WOW!!!Keep your chin up guys, you'll sell soon. Then you'll be on your way to having real neighbors, they really do exist.

YKW said on Aug 22 at 11:52 p.m.:

LOL, yep...I found alot on you and have heard alot. I know exactly what you are referring to when you say you can check how I found it etc.. I also happen to know that if you have the right software you can also view what I have typed and erased. Your not the only computer literate person in the world. Of course I read it..who wouldnt want to know more about someone who goes looking for stray cats in the dark with a flashlight. You both are obviously seriously bored with your lives that you need to worry about something that poses no harm to you or your family. The majority of people around hear dont god I hear people complain about your barking dog but they wont call because they are trying to be neighborly, UNLIKE you. To the normal person that is much more irritating then to see a few stray animals that dont make any noise. You apparently will disagree. Take care Sunshine:)

nate said on Aug 23 at 09:24 a.m.:

1. You must be seriously bored with your life to read about someone you think is seriously bored with their life.

2. Last I checked, stray cats don't spay or neuter themselves. In a year there could be over 20 cats. I don't think our neighbors will appreciate a cat colony in their back yard.

3. I'm amazed that you can't just let the incident go. I did. I just wrote about it to get it off my chest and get a good night's rest. To help you get over it, I'm not going to approve any more of your comments. The last thing I want is a monthly meeting with a police officer because you can't let it go.